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University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Rome, Italy

Summer 2023

Mya Cuper, Alumni Ambassador

Alumni Ambassadors

why was your CEA CAPA program the right fit for you?
Rome was the perfect fit because it offered the right classes for me to take at the time, and taught me more about a language and culture I was interested in.

what's one story or important aspect you always tell people from your time abroad?
One story I like to tell is when I tried to go to the beach with my roommate, but unfortunately we didn't plan it out very well and found out after we got off the train that we were still a two hour walk away from the beach in a pretty rural area. Luckily, there were some really kind people who explained the local bus system and helped us get a taxi. When the taxi driver dropped us off he gave us directions and was also very friendly and helpful. What could've been a pretty rough day ended up working out fine and was lots of fun because of the kindness of a handful of people.


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